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Dive into the Word

"For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God."

- Psalm 86:10 (NIV)

Family Moment

You just read a prayer of praise! When we praise God, we declare truths about who He is. Can you think of words that describe God? Create your family's ABCs of praise. Starting with each letter of the alphabet, allow family members to write down or share aloud a word that describes God. Continue your way through the alphabet, celebrating your ABCs of praise when you arrive at letter Z!

Let's Pray!

  1. We can praise God for who he is and what he has done for us always!
  2. For older children: Discuss further what praise means and how they can be more intentional in praising God.
  3. Pray: "Dear God, thank You for being the one true God; help us always love and praise You with all our hearts. Amen"